French Family Association

The Official Website of the Surname French

Chart #EB, Home of Thomas French
Photos of Pitley Manor

This chart updated by Mara French on 10/11/10. Send any corrections or additions to this chart to Revisions: 2009.

NOTE: Please make any corrections or additions to this chart that you can and send them to Mara. Refer to this chart by chart number and revision date so that your information will be understood. Refer to each family member by their number. Additions are greatly appreciated. This chart has been widely distributed and is constantly being updated. You will be notified of the next revision.


FFA Home Page

Ancestry of Thomas French, FFA Chart #EB



Photo of Bridget and Jim Franklin who farmed the 8 acres of Pitley Manor until March 1998 when they were kicked off the land. As long as they were producing grain and working the fields, they could stay there for free. Here they are standing in the doorway of Pitley Manor house that leads to the old kitchen. Photo taken by Mara French (lucky enough to have spent a night here). This particular doorway shown in this photo has been blocked out by the new owners to enhance the kitchen. You can see where the doorway was behind the SUV on the left in the photo above. A new doorway was added further back in the copper washbasin laundry room.