French Family Association

The Official Website of the Surname French

Chart #129, The Will of John French, 1787

This page updated by Mara French on 3/12/09. Numbers in brackets [ ] show the source material and refer to the bibliography at the end of this chart. An asterisk (*) shows continuation of that line. Send any corrections or additions to this chart to Revisions: 1999, 2009.


FFA Home Page

The Will of John French

Accounting Inventory of JohnÕs Will

Administration of JohnÕs Will

Interpretation of JohnÕs Will

Back to FFA Chart #129


FFA member Karen Engstrom: John French's will, dated 22 Dec 1787, was witnessed and signed by George Rule, the father of Rosanna Rule French who had married Peter French, son of John French who made this will.  The will mentions wife, Barbara, children Peater (Peter), John, George, Catherine and John Smice (the son of John French's daughter, Elizabeth).  The will was read in 1789 (two years after the will was written) in Washington County, Maryland, and at that time signed by William Albright and Barbara, his wife.  Apparently Barbara French remarried right after John's death. The will speaks of John French, late of s'Cydecef, which could have been an old village name or the name of his house or land. John is most likely the immigrant of this line.

FFA member Jackie Bullock sent the FFA John FrenchÕs will from the Maryland State Archives, 350 Rowe Blvd., Annapolis, Maryland 21401, dated 22 Dec 1787, Liber A, Folio 173 (2 pages), Appr. Per. Prop.: Liber A2, Folio 136, Accts: Liber 1, Folio 234. The most important data in it is that it is witnessed and signed by George Rule, the father of Rosanna Rule, PeterÕs wife. This fact would do away with the belief that PeterÕs father was Joshua since PeterÕs father was John (unless Joshua was a German derivative of John). The will, dated 22 Dec 1787, mentions wife Barbara, children Peater, John, George, Catherine, and John Smice, the son of JohnÕs daughter Elizabeth, all of whom inherited from their father, John. Daughter Elizabeth received no inheritance, probably because she was married. Another witness to the will was Abraham Long. The will speaks of John French, late of sÕCydecef, which could have been an old village name or the name of his house or land. It was 6 years after JohnÕs death that his son, Peter, moved to Botetourt Co., VA, in 1793.

The Will of John French

Accounting Inventory of JohnÕs Will



Administration of JohnÕs Will

The will was read on 11 Aug 1789 (two years after the will was written) in Washington Co., MD, and at that time, it is signed by William Albright and Barbara, his wife. Apparently Barbara French remarried right after JohnÕs death.

Interpretation of JohnÕs Will